I started this quilt many years ago because I wanted to make a flannel quilt. Flannel is expensive so I bought the best I could afford but in the end I wasn't crazy about the colours which probably explains why I almost finished it and then quit. Another issue was the lack of space to assemble quilt sandwiches! Who has a space big enough to lay out a full size quilt?
Well I solved the space problem. Now the hubster and I go to the local seniors club where they have terrific big tables! We can spread out a multitude of quilts and baste away! Heaven!
We took the opportunity to baste a second quilt for the grandson so it was a two-fer weekend. Two quilts quilted and bound in one weekend. Yay!
And now for some photos:
So that was my weekend. Quilting and binding. Two quilts out of the closet and on the bed! It feels great! Yay me!